class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Advanced plotly ### Carson Sievert ### Slides:
Slides released under
Creative Commons
--- ## Monthly housing sales ```r library(plotly) txhousing #> # A tibble: 8,602 × 9 #> city year month sales volume median listings inventory date #> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 Abilene 2000 1 72 5380000 71400 701 6.3 2000.000 #> 2 Abilene 2000 2 98 6505000 58700 746 6.6 2000.083 #> 3 Abilene 2000 3 130 9285000 58100 784 6.8 2000.167 #> 4 Abilene 2000 4 98 9730000 68600 785 6.9 2000.250 #> 5 Abilene 2000 5 141 10590000 67300 794 6.8 2000.333 #> 6 Abilene 2000 6 156 13910000 66900 780 6.6 2000.417 #> 7 Abilene 2000 7 152 12635000 73500 742 6.2 2000.500 #> 8 Abilene 2000 8 131 10710000 75000 765 6.4 2000.583 #> 9 Abilene 2000 9 104 7615000 64500 771 6.5 2000.667 #> 10 Abilene 2000 10 101 7040000 59300 764 6.6 2000.750 #> # ... with 8,592 more rows ``` --- ## Abilene monthly sales ```r Abilene <- subset(txhousing, city == "Abilene") p <- ggplot(Abilene, aes(month, sales, group = year)) + geom_line() ggplotly(p, dynamicTicks = "x") ``` <iframe src="01.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Abilene monthly sales, animated by year ```r p <- ggplot(Abilene, aes(month, sales, frame = year)) + geom_line() ggplotly(p) ``` <iframe src="02.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Works in `plot_ly()` as well ```r p <- plot_ly(Abilene, x = ~month, y = ~log(sales), frame = ~year, showlegend = F) add_lines(p) ``` <iframe src="03.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: inverse, center background-image: url(../your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain ## Your Turn #### Part 1 Compare the output of `add_lines(p, color = I("black"))` with `add_lines(p, color = "black")`. Why is one 'right' and one 'wrong'? **Hint**: Compare the output of `qplot(data = Abilene, x = month, y = sales, color = I("black"))` with `qplot(data = Abilene, x = month, y = sales, color = "black")`. #### Part 2 `plot_ly()` and the `add_*()` functions support a number of "special" arguments (see `help(plot_ly)`). They make it easier to map data to visual aesthetics in the [figure reference]( Try changing the default `linetype` from `"solid"` to something else. **Hint**: `View(Schema$traces$scatter$attributes$line)` --- ## Animations are layer specific ```r p <- ggplot(Abilene, aes(month, sales)) + geom_line(aes(group = year), alpha = 0.2) + geom_line(aes(frame = year), color = "red") ggplotly(p) ``` <iframe src="04.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Easily change animation options ```r animation_opts( ggplotly(p), frame = 1000, easing = "elastic" ) ``` <iframe src="05.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Easily change button appearance ```r animation_button( ggplotly(p), x = 1, xanchor = "right", y = 1, yanchor = "middle" ) ``` <iframe src="06.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Easily change slider appearance ```r animation_slider( ggplotly(p), currentvalue = list(prefix = "YEAR ", font = list(color = "red")) ) ``` <iframe src="07.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: center, bottom background-image: url(hans-rosling.jpg) background-size: contain ## Gapminder data --- ```r data(gapminder, package = "gapminder") gg <- ggplot(gapminder, aes(gdpPercap, lifeExp, color = continent, size = pop)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.1) + geom_point(aes(frame = year, ids = country)) + scale_x_log10() ggplotly(gg) %>% animation_opts(1000, redraw = FALSE) ``` <iframe src="07b.html" width="100%" height="500" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: inverse, center background-image: url(../your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain ## Your Turn Read through [this thread]( Can you take what is there to make a *cumulative* animation of the gapminder data? **Hint**: Use `geom_path()` over `geom_point()` .footnote[ PS. hopefully we will have more official solution someday. Solution is [here](01-your-turn.R) ] --- class: middle, center, inverse # Highlighting (i.e., brushing) in multiple linked views --- ## Highlighting via crosstalk ```r library(crosstalk) d <- SharedData$new(Abilene, ~year) p <- ggplot(d, aes(month, sales)) + geom_line(aes(group = year)) ggplotly(p, tooltip = "year") ``` <iframe src="08.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Highlighting in small multiples ```r d <- subset(txhousing, city %in% c("Galveston", "Midland", "Odessa", "South Padre Island")) sd <- SharedData$new(d, ~year) p <- ggplot(sd, aes(month, median, group = year)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~city, ncol = 2) (gg <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "year")) ``` <iframe src="09.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Or in a scatterplot matrix ```r txhousing %>% select(median, volume, listings, inventory) %>% GGally::ggpairs() %>% ggplotly() %>% highlight("plotly_selected") ``` <a href="09a.html"> <div align="center"> <img src="scatterplot-matrix.gif" width="750" height="430" /> </div> </a> --- ## Highlight on hover ```r highlight(gg, "plotly_hover") ``` <iframe src="09b.html" width="100%" height="500" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Set default values ```r highlight(gg, defaultValues = "2006") ``` <iframe src="09c.html" width="100%" height="500" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Making comparisons with dynamic brush ```r highlight( gg, dynamic = TRUE, persistent = TRUE, selectize = TRUE ) ``` <iframe src="10.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Customize the appearance of selections ```r highlight( gg, dynamic = TRUE, persistent = TRUE, selected = attrs_selected(mode = "markers+lines", marker = list(symbol = "x")) ) ``` <iframe src="11.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## m-to-n linking ```r demo("highlight-pipeline", package = "plotly") ``` <iframe src="11b.html" width="100%" height="500" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: inverse, center background-image: url(../your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain ## Your turn (1) Modify [the last demo]( to have persistent and dynamic selection. Try supplying your own custom color palette. (2) Read the code. Change `add_bars()` to `add_markers()`. How in the world does this work? (3) Can you get this working via `add_histogram()`? What's the difference between using `add_bars()` and `add_histogram()`? --- class: bottom, left background-image: url(pipeline.svg) background-size: contain ## The 'data pipeline' Where does the pipeline <br /> 'live'? --- background-image: url(crosstalk.svg) background-size: contain ## The general model .footnote[ All the "updating logic" is self-contained in your browser via JavaScript, which is good! ] --- ## Binning (i.e., transforming) the target ```r demo("highlight-binned-target", package = "plotly") ``` <iframe src="11c.html" width="100%" height="480" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Binning (i.e., transforming) the target ```r demo("highlight-binned-target", package = "plotly") ``` <iframe src="11d.html" width="100%" height="525" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: inverse, center, middle # You can only go so far without shiny... --- class: bottom background-image: url(zikar.gif) background-size: contain ### --- class: bottom background-image: url(eechidna.gif) background-size: contain ### --- class: center, middle background-image: url(combine-powers.gif) background-size: contain # ...but we can combine powers --- class: bottom background-image: url(bcviz.gif) background-size: contain ### --- class: center, middle # I promise... We will get to shiny, but we can do *much* more *without* shiny<sup>1</sup> .footnote[ [1]: why this is important? Ask me! ] --- ## Animating selections ```r a <- SharedData$new(Abilene, ~month) p <- ggplot(a, aes(month, sales, frame = year)) + geom_line() + geom_point() highlight(ggplotly(p), "plotly_selected") ``` <iframe src="13.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Avoid overplotting ```r g <- SharedData$new(gapminder, ~continent) gg <- ggplot(g, aes(gdpPercap, lifeExp, color = continent, frame = year)) + geom_point(aes(size = pop, ids = country)) + geom_smooth(se = FALSE, method = "lm") ggplotly(gg + scale_x_log10()) ``` <iframe src="14.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ```r demo("tour-USArrests", package = "plotly") ``` <a href="15.html" target="_blank" > <img src="usarrests.gif" width="900" height="550" /> </a> --- class: inverse, middle, center # Filter vs selection The `highlight()` function provides ways to handle/configure *selection* events You can also trigger *filter* events through **crosstalk** widgets. They are similar, but axes respond (i.e., relayout) to *filter* events.<sup>1</sup> .footnote[ [1]: when using `ggplotly()`, you need to specify `dynamicTicks = TRUE` ] --- ## Crosstalk's filtering widgets ```r tx <- SharedData$new(txhousing) widgets <- bscols(widths = c(12, 12, 12), filter_select("city", "Cities", tx, ~city), filter_slider("sales", "Sales", tx, ~sales), filter_checkbox("year", "Years", tx, ~year, inline = TRUE) ) widgets ``` <iframe src="crosstalk/1/index.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Filtering ```r bscols( widths = c(4, 8), widgets, plot_ly(tx, x = ~date, y = ~median, showlegend = FALSE) %>% add_lines(color = ~city, colors = "black") ) ``` <iframe src="crosstalk/2/index.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- ## Talk to other crosstalk-enabled widgets ```r library(leaflet) sd <- SharedData$new(quakes) p <- plot_ly(sd, x = ~depth, y = ~mag) %>% add_markers(alpha = 0.5) %>% highlight("plotly_selected") map <- leaflet(sd) %>% addTiles() %>% addCircles() bscols(p, map) ``` <iframe src="leaflet/index.html" width="100%" height="420" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> --- class: inverse, center background-image: url(../your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain ## Your Turn Add some filter widgets to the earthquakes example. **Bonus**: Try saving the result to an HTML file. **Hint**: You can save htmlwidgets to a self-contained HTML via `htmlwidgets::saveWidget()`, but this approach requires the more general `htmltools::html_print()` .footnote[ Solution is [here](02-your-turn.R) ] --- class: center, middle, inverse ## Expectations vs reality .pull-left[ <img src="thin-ice.gif" height = "500" width = "350" /> ] .pull-right[ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> **plotly** has advanced support for *selection* events (e.g., `persistent`, `dynamic`, `selectize`) Other [**crosstalk**-enabled htmlwidgets]( likely won't support these additional *selection* event features. However, *filter* events should generally be supported. ] --- ## Shiny is a web application framework Web applications are generally more powerful and flexible; but also more complicated, less responsive, and difficult to share. <div align="center" > <img src="server-client.svg" width="550" height="350" /> </div> **Remember**: examples so far can saved as _self-contained_ HTML via `htmlwidgets::saveWidget()` and/or `htmltools::html_print()` --- ## [Accessing user events](events-shiny.R) in shiny <div align="center" > <img src="events-shiny.gif" width="900" height="550" /> </div> This functionality is tied to `plotOutput()`, which doesn't support web-based graphics. --- ## [Accessing plotly events](events-plotly.R) in shiny <div align="center" > <img src="events-plotly.gif" width="900" height="550" /> </div> --- class: inverse, center background-image: url(../your-turn.jpeg) background-size: contain ## Your Turn Program an app to populate a bar chart reflecting the selection, sort of like this (using `cars` data): <div align="center" > <img src="events-plotly-linked.gif" width="600" height="500" /> </div> .footnote[ [Full solution]( [Partial solution, <br /> without shiny](03-your-turn.R) ] --- ## [Targeting events](events-plotly.R) <div align="center" > <img src="plotlyLinkedClick.gif" width="900" height="500" /> </div> --- background-image: url(plotly.svg) background-size: 100px background-position: 90% 8% class: center, middle # Thanks! Resources for more learning: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Reach out to me Twitter: [@cpsievert]( <br /> GitHub: [@cpsievert]( <br /> Email: <> <br /> Web: <> --- background-image: url(plotly.svg) background-size: contain # Ask me anything!! .footnote[ Want something to do? Some ideas: 1. Read about the new api interface -- `help(api)`. <br /> 2. Explore the demos -- `demo(package = "plotly")` <br /> 3. Read about [JavaScript customization]( ]